
It was my birthday, a year ago. My family had set up a surprise dinner at this secret spot on our Hawaiian shore. Kendra made beautiful chocolate cupcakes and Jordan snagged this shot. I was cracking up, only in the way that being with my siblings can complete. Why?...

The Songs that which are Stories

Seven years ago my life was changed by the simply profound message that God delights in me. That paradox that defies our religious nature that says if you mess up you aren’t loved. However, the verse “Dark am I, yet lovely…“ oh, even in my...


God keeps His promises. It’s as simple as that, yet so hard to clasp on to. But He does. And He inspires. And He loves you. So let’s keep holding on.  For He loves you. Photo credit:...

…the Glory to Be Revealed

I’m convinced… just for this moment at least… that life indeed is a very beautiful thing. Friends may come and go… assignments loom ahead… more and more of things will be, well, hard. But there’s something more, isn’t there? A...

As Surely as the Sun will Rise

Commitment. This looks like me sprawled out backwards on my bed, finishing off an email, desperately wanting to sleep, then right as I’m about to close my Macbook Air and crawl into my pajamas and under the covers… I’m reminded of my commitment to...

Romans 5:3-5

I know there’s a problem when I am sitting in my room and feel like I have a dozen pieces of rope tied to me, pulling me in a dozen different directions.  “Do this!” one rope yells. “No, do this!” another exclaims. “I want to do...