What To Do When We’re Exhausted

It was quarter to nine in the kitchen this evening that it hit me. Today was the first day in a long time that I was not exhausted.  For the past two weeks I have had severe tooth pain on-and-off, coupled with post-family-wedding exhaustion, and something that I...

The Days Before a Departure

I’d brushed past it before. Yeah, yeah, it’s the night before Jesus was delivered over to be crucified– his last night before betrayal, torture, death. Dad once told me that John 13-17 was worth paying attention to– because wouldn’t you say some of the most important...

A Desire-Based Decision

“Ann had lived her entire life based on what was right and had never once made a decision based on her desire.” The line on page 62 haunted me long after I finished The Journey of Desire by John Eldredge, a book I found in the BTI library. I mulled over...