Not a Bad Faith Journey Story… in the End

“I’ve never heard a bad faith journey story!” Uncomfortable flashbacks hit the few people from the previous DTS who were in the room. Then Trevor was handed the mic. “Well, I’ve never heard a faith journey story that was bad in the end.”  This is one such story. It’s...

When Nightmares are Reality, Too

I collapsed on the cement parking block alongside the canal. Autumn trees dripped their yellow leaves into tied-up boats, seventeenth-century apartments stood squished together. Tourists stopped sporadically by Oudekerk, snapping selfies. The great stone church loomed...

The Furnisher of Dreams

  My fingers hover over my laptop keyboard. I switch songs, I flick between Notes and Evernote, I settle back to typing on my phone- mainly because it’s my only device with Wifi at the moment. Everything seems quite normal. It’s a Monday night, I am...