by Kayla Norris | Jun 24, 2017 | Missions Trips, YWAM DTS
“I’ve never heard a bad faith journey story!” Uncomfortable flashbacks hit the few people from the previous DTS who were in the room. Then Trevor was handed the mic. “Well, I’ve never heard a faith journey story that was bad in the end.” This is one such story. It’s...
by Kayla Norris | Nov 12, 2016 | Kids & Teaching, Missionary Kids, Missions Trips
I have some catching up to do. At the beginning of the year I set a goal to read 16 books and blog about each. The general idea was 16 new books, but I failed at that as soon as I picked up an Anne of Green Gables book. And when I found The Help in a Fijian secondhand...
by Kayla Norris | Nov 9, 2016 | Missions Trips, YWAM DTS
It’s difficult to sum up these past few months, since I last wrote here. I know that in saying that, I am entering into a cliche as common as Americans sipping Starbucks (yet I hear the outrage of my American barista friends as I type that!). But isn’t...
by Kayla Norris | Jan 11, 2016 | Missions Trips, Prayer & Worship, YWAM DTS
The whole city is cloaked in fog, seagulls circling the canals, confused as to where to go. The street lights just flicked off… and the world wonders, “What are you doing? We still need you.” -Journal in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2 November, 2015) I...
by Kayla Norris | Oct 24, 2015 | Missions Trips, YWAM DTS
I collapsed on the cement parking block alongside the canal. Autumn trees dripped their yellow leaves into tied-up boats, seventeenth-century apartments stood squished together. Tourists stopped sporadically by Oudekerk, snapping selfies. The great stone church loomed...
by Kayla Norris | Oct 19, 2015 | Missions Trips, YWAM DTS
My fingers hover over my laptop keyboard. I switch songs, I flick between Notes and Evernote, I settle back to typing on my phone- mainly because it’s my only device with Wifi at the moment. Everything seems quite normal. It’s a Monday night, I am...