by Kayla Norris | Nov 9, 2016 | Missions Trips, YWAM DTS
It’s difficult to sum up these past few months, since I last wrote here. I know that in saying that, I am entering into a cliche as common as Americans sipping Starbucks (yet I hear the outrage of my American barista friends as I type that!). But isn’t...
by Kayla Norris | Sep 20, 2016 | Missionary Kids, YWAM DTS
“He invented DTSes?!” I thought they were always in existence. I mean, as a six-year-old I knew YWAM wasn’t as old as Christianity, but it kind of felt like it. I was shocked when I found out that one of our most common speakers at Ohana gatherings was actually a...
by Kayla Norris | Aug 30, 2016 | Prayer & Worship, The Creative Heart, YWAM DTS
Based on Psalm 139:1-3 I glance all around for you And quickly find you- I’m not far from you! I’m completely aware of where You sit in the classroom, and why, And if you get up to leave- I notice you! I pick up on your expressions Across...
by Kayla Norris | Aug 30, 2016 | High School, Loving Jesus, Relationships, The Creative Heart, University, YWAM DTS
I choked back on sobs, as the dark blue 1952 edition of Pride and Prejudice curled back instantly into the flames, along with at least seven other romance novels. I couldn’t see through the tears, as my rom-coms and 19th century dramas melted into glowing coals. Deep,...
by Kayla Norris | Jul 31, 2016 | Loving Jesus, YWAM DTS
I hear the espresso machine squealing, but I turn the other way. You know those awkward few moments in time, after the pastor has dismissed you and the worship leader has strummed his last chord? You scan the crowd for faces you recognise, but the only ones you...
by Kayla Norris | Jul 2, 2016 | YWAM DTS
“You want it to be great, but it’s just going to be good.” It’s a pretty depressing sentence, isn’t it? Full of breathless anticipation– then a sudden crash. I mean, not a crash into absolute despair, “good” isn’t bad....