Emotions aren’t the Enemy

  I want to write about grieving.  But I don’t know where to start. Because if I even use the word “grieve” you’ll probably brush it off. Nobody’s died, at least not recently, so this isn’t going to connect to you. Or maybe you know...

When Nightmares are Reality, Too

I collapsed on the cement parking block alongside the canal. Autumn trees dripped their yellow leaves into tied-up boats, seventeenth-century apartments stood squished together. Tourists stopped sporadically by Oudekerk, snapping selfies. The great stone church loomed...

The Furnisher of Dreams

  My fingers hover over my laptop keyboard. I switch songs, I flick between Notes and Evernote, I settle back to typing on my phone- mainly because it’s my only device with Wifi at the moment. Everything seems quite normal. It’s a Monday night, I am...

Living Out the Cliché

I’m slouched in the black plastic chair– barely comprehending that this moment is colliding with my present. “These are the books you are going to be reading about how YWAM started…” our DTS leaders announce as they start handing out those...